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Conference Presentations, Lectures and Panels by DCI Team Members

Video Podcasts

Cryptoeconomic Systems Summit 2019 - Full Playlist
DCI Livestream Series

Director Neha, Software Developer Gert-Jaap, Phd student Daniel M. (Harvard) and recent MIT DCI MEng Graduate James discuss Proof-of-Work; and the Digital Currency Initiative’s recent projects around Proof-of-Work. Including Monitoring Pool Mining (Gert-Jaap), Double Spend Attacks (Daniel M. and Neha) and 51% Attacks (James).

Here is the first livestream in a new series from the Digital Currency Initiative. During this episode, meet some of our team and find out more about the DCI and what we do.
Introduction & Overview of the Cryptoeconomic Systems Summit & Journal from Andrew Miller & Neha Narula at Cryptoeconomic Systems Summit '19.
Verifiable Delay Functions (VDFs) Day 2019

MIT Bitcoin Expo 2019 - DCI Team Members Presentations

Christian Decker (Software Engineer & Researcher, Blockstream), Tadge Dryja (Thought Leader, MIT DCI), and Fabrice Drouin (Founder & CTO, ACINQ) engage in an exciting discussion on the history and future of the Lightning Network at the 2019 MIT Bitcoin Expo

Neha Narula (Director, MIT DCI) closing out the 2019 MIT Bitcoin Expo weekend with a call to action on implementing proper blockchain security given the inherent connection between blockchain and financial assets

Tadge Dryja (MIT DCI) presenting on Utreexo, a dynamic accumulator for the bitcoin state aimed at improving bitcoin scalability, at the 2019 MIT Bitcoin Expo

Cory Fields (Developer, Bitcoin Core, MIT DCI), James Lovejoy (Lead Maintainer, Vertcoin), and Carl Dong (Software Engineer, Chaincode Labs) participate in panel discussion on blockchain security moderated by Sharon Goldberg (Co-Founder & CEO, Arwen) at the 2019 MIT Bitcoin Expo.