Christian Catalini on the business of blockchain and cryptoeconomics
Christian Catalini is an Assistant Professor in Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He is one of the world's leading academics on the business and economics of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. Here are a few of his publications.
"Seeing Beyond the Blockchain Hype." MIchelman, Paul, and Christian Catalini. MIT Sloan Management Review, July 2017.
"The Firm as a Nexus of Smart Contracts? How Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies can Transform the Digital Economy." Catalini, Christian. Yale Journal on Regulation Blog. Yale University, June 2017.
"How Blockchain Technology will Impact the Digital Economy." Catalini, Christian. Oxford Business Law Blog. University of Oxford, April 2017.
"How Blockchain Applications Will Move Beyond Finance." Catalini, Christian. Harvard Business Review, March 2017.
"Can Equity Crowdfunding Democratize Access to Capital and Investment Opportunities?" Christian Catalini, Catherine Fazio, and Fiona Murray. In MIT Innovation Initiative Lab for Innovation Science and Policy Report 2016, Cambridge, MA: May 2016.
"Some Simple Economics of the Blockchain." Catalini, Christian, and Joshua Gans, MIT Sloan Working Paper 5191-16. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, November 2016.