AJ Towns listed as on of the "Most Influential 2021: The Developers Who Wrote Bitcoin’s Taproot Upgrade"

With Taproot, Bitcoin has gained a valuable set of tools for developers to integrate new features that will improve privacy, scalability and security.

Christie Harkin | Dec 7, 2021 | CoinDesk Insights

“Nick along with A.J.Towns, Tim Ruffing and Pieter Wuille are the authors credited for writing the three BIPs that made up Taproot, the most significant Bitcoin upgrade in four years.

This article is part of CoinDesk’s Most Influential 2021 list. Stellabelle’s portrait of the Taproot developers is available at Foundation with 15% of the sale going to charity.

Proposed in 2017 by seminal developer Greg Maxwell, Taproot was merged into Bitcoin Core, the most widely used implementation of the network’s software, in October 2020, locked in on June 12, 2021, and then finally activated on Nov. 14. With Taproot, Bitcoin has gained a valuable set of tools for developers to integrate new features that will improve privacy, scalability and security on the original, and most valuable, cryptocurrency network.”