Neha Narula took part in the panel "Platform Money: Sci-Fi or the Future in the Making?" during the 2020 DC Fintech Week
There are many models for “money”--account based models and tokenized money dominate many conversations, but other pathways are breaking new ground as well, including new emoney solutions and conceptions of money as an infrastructure or platform that could support new financial applications and innovations. We talk on this panel about what’s likely--and possible.
Speakers - Andres Wolberg-Stok, Head of Strategy, Office of the CTO, Citi; Robert Bench, Assistant Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston; Patrick Murck (Moderator), Chief Legal Officer, Transparent; Jenny Cieplak (Moderator), Partner, Latham & Watkins LLP; Neha Narula, Director, MIT's Digital Currency Initiative; Dante Disparte, Vice Chair and Head of Policy & Communications, Libra Association